Are you fit for purpose?

This powerful teaching walks you through the process GOD uses to ensure we are “Fit for Purpose” in our talents, skills, and gifts through tests, trials, experiences and circumstances.

Ever wonder why GOD takes you through tests, trials and tribulation? Although it may seem difficult or even unfair at times, GOD Yahweh uses all of these challenges to place you in the center of His will and His purpose for your life.

Our objective for this course is to convince you that:

  • You are closer than you think to walking in God's purpose for your life
  • God Yahweh has been preparing you all of your life to walk in His purpose
  • You are ready to walk in His Purpose for your life today

Ultimately, our aim for this class is to help you identify what Yahweh has been equipping you to do your whole life, but you just never recognized it.

  • 1 Video

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 1 File

  • The My Life Summit (Fit for Purpose)