This online course will cover the seven motivational gifts that are given by God to each individual. These gifts, sometimes erroneously referred to as “spiritual gifts”, are divine endowments and specific abilities that are given by GOD YaHWeH to help individuals serve God and others. At Purpose Finders, we believe that discovering your gifts is the first step in identifying one’s divine purpose. Why? Because your divine assignment will require your gifts to be employed. The seven gifts are: prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership, and compassion. Which one(s) do you have? Enroll today, and find out, so you can get started with the rest of your life.

Throughout the course, you will learn about the specific characteristics and purposes of each gift, and how to identify which gifts you possess. You will also learn how to use your gifts to serve others and fulfill your God-given potential. Most importantly, you will learn to identify and improve upon your problem areas. Every gift has problem areas.

In addition to learning about the gifts, the course will also help you to leverage your knowledge of the motivational gifts to build your business, improve your relationships and reach your fullest potential. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of your own God-given gifts and how to use them to make a positive impact on the world around you.

  • 10 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 10 Files

  • Gifts for Success: Perspectives of Each Gift (Week 2)

  • Gifts for Success: The PERCEIVER and its Problem Areas (Week 3)

  • Gifts for Success: The SERVER and its Problem Areas (Week 4)

  • Gifts for Success: The TEACHER and its Problem Areas (Week 5)

  • Gifts for Success: The EXHORTER and its Problem Areas (Week 6)

  • Gifts for Success: The GIVER and its Problem Areas (Week 7)

  • Gifts for Success: The ADMINISTRATOR and its Problem Areas (Week 8)

  • Gifts for Success: The gift of COMPASSION and its Problem Areas (Week 9)