Nine Classes Covering Seven Gifts
From Master Certified Facilitator Lyndon Earley of Purpose Finders. We Cover the Experience of Living With Each of the 7 Gifts and the 5 Major Problem Areas
With Weekly Participant's Guides
We Offer Practical Advice on how to Navigate Living With Another Gift, Mitigate Conflict, and Discover the Purpose of Your Marriage by Exploring 20 Categories of Life.
Nine Weeks of Intense Content and Advice
Work at Your Own Pace With Your Spouse to Ensure You Have a Great Understanding of the Content, so you can Grow in Your Relationship with one another.
Many individuals wonder why they have been placed upon the Earth and what their purpose is for being here. We answer that question in, "How to become tapping into your God Given Motivational Gifts." Some have pursued and ultimately discovered their individual purpose for being here. As so many people have embarked upon marriage as a part of that purpose and journey, what about the purpose of your marriage?
Through decades of counseling, interviews, experience and research, Purpose Finders has learned that by far the top reason cited for why people get married is because they love one another. That's nice, but our question is always, "So why do you think YaHWeH caused you to fall in love?" That is when we typically get the blank stares.
In addition to helping you to mitigate conflict and understand how to live harmoniously with one another, Discover Your Spouse's Gifts is a 9 week course designed to help you discover the purpose of your marriage. Properly understood, this information can literally divorce-proof your marriage. Join us as we share our wisdom from over 25 years of marriage ourselves. Discovering your spouse's gifts will give you insight to help you better understand your spouse and why they think, act and do the things they do, even personal irritants. We believe the American Family is under spiritual attack. Discover Your Spouse's Gifts will give you the tools you need to stay together and fight back instead of continuing to fight against one another. This class simply works!
This week's teaching provides an overview to the course. We cover the 7 love types, critical elements of purpose, the top reasons for divorce, and more. Let your journey begin...
This week's teaching provides guidance on how to successfully navigate living with a Perceiver Gift. We challenge our Perceiver friends to mature in their gift instead being overly brash.
How to navigate living with a Server Gift. There aren't many widespread issues, but Server Wives cited a few problems that we discuss to bring our Server friends to a balance in life.
How to navigate living with a Teacher Gift. It's important to remember, no one likes a know-it-all, so you musn't become one in your marriage. Humility is imperative for balance.
Guidance and advice on how to navigate living with an Exhorter Spouse. In marriage, Exhorters can be the best communicators or the most annoying. Get a good balance in Week 5.
Guidance on how to navigate living with a Giver Spouse. Some Givers are not balanced, and their unpredictable giving can be deemed selfish or unfair to Non-Giver spouses.
Guidance on how to successfully navigate living with an Administrator Gift. Administrators are born to lead, but conflict can occur with other gifts in marriage,
Guidance and advice on living with a Compassion Person. There is a high chance of conflict with Compassion Spouses, especially when it comes to decision making.
Week 9 is a culmination of the previous weeks. This week we help you to understand how to identify and pursue the purpose of your marriage, and how to divorce-proof your relationships.
Your Instructor: Master-Certified Spiritual Gifts Teacher - Lyndon Earley, MBA
Welcome to Marriage, Make It All Make Sense: Discover Your Spouse's Gifts. This class is the final Gifts Class to close out the Purpose Finders Academy. It is a 9-week course, with intense content, designed to give you and your spouse or significant other, and in some cases long-time room mates the opportunity to get to know each other deliberatley, and intimately. What makes the other tick? In the first 8 weeks, we focus upon two primary objectives for the course: 1) Living with another gift, and 2) Navigating conflict. As we close out the course in Week-9, we focus on the importance and power of combining your gifts with your spouse's in order to form a powerful entity! Our aim is to help you to fully understand why marriages are under attack and what you can do to combat the high divorce rates we experience in our country. Most importantly, we help you to understand how to identify and pursue the purpose of your marriage, and how to divorce-proof your relationships. We know it works, because we live it everyday. My wife and I have been married for more than 25 years and experience the same challenges as everyone else.
As a bonus, you will be granted membership into The private Spouse's Gifts Academy (Facebook) where you can chat and see relevant posts from like-minded couples who also want the best for their marriages and have come to Purpose Finders to find many of their answers. Based on a text by Don and Katie Fortune, Discover Your Spouse's Gifts has transformed marriages for several decades internationally, and we are now poised to help you to transform yours.
This course comes complete with self-pace videos, and a participant's guide for each week to ensure you can follow along, capture good notes, and learn the intricate details of what GOD YaHWEH has shared with us to teach to you for your spouse, your marriage, your purpose and your life.
Lyndon is a Master-Certified Instructor, he cares tremendously about the success of his students and their marriages just as much as he cares about his own. Cover the course material at your own pace, and do not hesitate to enter the academy to post your questions where Lyndon, his wife Michelle, and other seasoned couples can offer wisdom and advice to help.
We look forward to helping you to learn!
Warm Regards, Lyndon B. Earley, MBA
Certified Seminar Professional
Noble Man Enterprises, LLC / dba Purpose Finders
Consulting, Teaching, Training, Employee, and Personal Development
"If you aim for NOTHING you are guaranteed to hit it!"